The Boring Friend

Sorry that I’m late to join the posting, darlings. I’ll take the award for being the most useless back in the hometown. In the past week+ of being home, I’ve watched two Habs games, seen a play with my mom and her friends (the only people outside of my house I have gotten together with thus far), read half of “The Book Thief,” ordered three books on Amazon (they arrived), spent a lot of time with Gryffin (who will always be the love of my life), and changed out of pajamas a handful of times. I haven’t even unpacked. I’m meeting a friend tomorrow for coffee so cheers to that. I miss you guys and I’m brooding. Thrilled about this though! It’s an excellent idea and reading your posts has made the separation a hair less heartbreaking.

Here’s something! I’m going to visit my grandfather in Edmonton and my mom’s friend in Salt Lake City in a couple of weeks. It’s going to be an absolutely weird trip, but I bought the plane tickets today and I have a layover at LAX. HELLO MILEY. Our blog title comes into play ( hear the first line yeah I know I’m basically her). Ignoring the point that LA is blatantly out of the way and I’m going to go through hell finding the terminal. I’ve never been to California before! This counts, eh.

I’m antsy at home. I want to be productive but I can’t do much waiting for things to pick up with camp. I have a meeting with the crew on Tuesday and hopefully I’ll have some work to keep me busy! I hope I haven’t completely bored you all with my lack of life in L-dot. I promise to do something interesting this week so that I’ll have a good story to tell. Keep laughing loves! xx


One thought on “The Boring Friend

  1. It’s weird commenting on this because I feel like I’ve addressed all the things in this post in a different venue. Yoloswag I’m doing it anyways. After this trip you’re basically going to be a world class traveler. All the terminals and time changes are prepping you for ENGLAND!!! Which is actually so soon when i think about it, not just for you but for Anna as well! In less than four months your surroundings be completely different. So strange. I hope you’re keeping your Amazon orders in check without me. Wherever you are in Utah’s outback I hope it’s beautiful and I can’t wait to hear stories about your trip!

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